Krawchuk '26
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Ken V. Krawchuk, born February 25, 1953, is a political activist, writer, inventor, public speaker, business architect, Information Technology professional, and outdoorsman.

Political Activist

Ken Krawchuk has been a political activist since 1993, serving in the Libertarian Party as a candidate and a party official at all levels.

He has run as a candidate for public office eight times under the Libertarian Party banner, including two record-breaking campaigns for Governor of Pennsylvania in 1998 and 2002. In 2000, he sought the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential nomination, ultimately placing third in a field of five. In January 2003 he declared his intent to seek the Libertarian Party's 2004 presidential nomination, but bowed out of the race in May 2003 citing professional commitments. Krawchuk also ran for U.S. Congress in 2000, Pennsylvania State Representative in 1994 and 2012, and Abington Township Commissioner in 1995, 1997, 2001, and 2005.

Krawchuk served two terms as the Chair of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania from December 2002 until March 2004, and as the state party's Legislative Action Committee chair from March 2004 until May 2012. He was selected as a Pennsylvania delegate to the Libertarian Party National Convention in 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004. He currently serves as Chair of the state party's Judicial Committee.

He also served as the chair of the Montgomery County Libertarian Party in 1999, plus various other leadership roles. He has filled the post of county party Secretary since January 2008.

Candidate for Pennsylvania Governor

Krawchuk's name has appeared on the ballot for Governor of Pennsylvania in 1998 and 2002. Both campaigns garnered a record percentage of votes for that office within the Pennsylvania Libertarian Party.

Krawchuk remains the last third-party or independent gubernatorial candidate to appear on the Pennsylvania ballot, due primarily to the onerous ballot access requirements levied against third-party and independent candidates in Pennsylvania. Under state law, statewide candidates who are members of the Democratic and Republican Parties are required to collect between 1,000 and 2,000 signatures from registered voters to appear on the ballot, but all others must collect a varying number of signatures, ranging from a low of 16,639 in 2014 to a high of 67,070 in 2006.

Gubernatorial Campaign, 1998

Krawchuk was nominated candidate for Governor by the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania in March 1998 at their annual convention in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, defeating Pittsburgh resident Henry Haller III on the first ballot. Haller was subsequently chosen as the party's candidate for Lieutenant Governor.

Krawchuk faced Republican Tom Ridge, Democrat Ivan Itkin, and Constitution Party candidate Peg Luksik.

During the campaign, Krawchuk participated in two major debates. The first, held in Lancaster PA, was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Broadcasters, and was broadcast statewide. The second debate, held in Philadelphia, was sponsored by the League of Women Voters, and broadcast nationally.

On election day, the Krawchuk/Haller ticket received 1.10% of the vote (33,591 votes total), the first Libertarian gubernatorial ticket in Pennsylvania to break the 1% mark, and surpassing the existing record of 0.94% set by the Patrick Fallon/Vincent Hatton ticket of 1994.

Gubernatorial Campaign, 2002

Krawchuk was nominated candidate for Governor by the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania in April 2002 at their annual convention in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. Henry Haller III was chosen as the party's candidate for Lieutenant Governor. Krawchuk ran unopposed for the nomination, as did Haller.

Krawchuk faced Democrat Ed Rendell, Republican Mike Fisher, and Green Party candidate Michael Morrill.

During the campaign, Krawchuk participated in four major debates. The first 2002 Pennsylvania gubernatorial debate, held at Penn State University in State College PA, was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Economy League and broadcast nationally. The second 2002 Pennsylvania gubernatorial debate, held at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre PA, was sponsored by the League of Women Voters and broadcast nationally. The third, held at the State Theatre in Easton PA, was sponsored by the Easton Express-Times newspaper and broadcast statewide. The fourth, held at the Harrisburg Forum Auditorium in Harrisburg PA, was sponsored by the NAACP and broadcast statewide.

One of the more notable features of the campaign was Krawchuk's penchant for tearing up dollar bills to demonstrate how most of a tax dollar is wasted by the bureaucracy. In response, his Republican opponent Mike Fisher called in vain for Krawchuk to be barred from future debates.

On election day, the Krawchuk/Haller ticket received 1.14% of the vote (40,923 votes total), breaking their own percentage record from 1998, and setting a new record for the number of votes received by any Pennsylvania Libertarian gubernatorial ticket.

Gubernatorial Campaign, 2018

The Libertarian gubernatorial nomination is expected to occur in early 2018 at the party's annual convention.

Candidate for U.S. Vice President

Krawchuk was an unsuccessful contender for the Libertarian Party's Vice Presidential nomination in the 2000 election.

The Campaign

Krawchuk kicked off his campaign at the Delaware Libertarian Party's state convention on March 4, 2000 ("March Forth on March Fourth"), followed by appearances at several other state conventions, including, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. In the final three weeks prior to the nominating convention in Anaheim, California, Krawchuk and his family staged a "whistle stop" tour of the nation via Amtrak, with major stops in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, and California.

Vice-Presidential Nominating Convention

Libertarian Party rules require that the Vice Presidential candidate be nominated by the delegates at their national convention in the same manner as the Presidential candidate is selected, that is, by a majority vote of the convention delegates. Krawchuk was opposed for the vice-presidential nomination by three Californians: Art Olivier, Steve Kubby, and Gail Lightfoot, plus "none of the above". After no candidate received a majority on the first ballot, Lightfoot's name was dropped from the ballot, per party rules, because she received the lowest number of votes. But before the second round of balloting began, having only received 70 votes (9%) on the first ballot versus 333 for Olivier, 303 for Kubby, 7 for Lightfoot, and 45 for others, Krawchuk withdrew his name and endorsed Olivier, who then defeated Kubby by a vote of 418 to 338.

Candidate for U.S. President

In late 2002, Krawchuk was approached by numerous libertarian activists who asked him to consider running for the Libertarian Party's 2004 U.S. presidential nomination. An ad hoc exploratory committee was established to test the waters, with positive results. By March 2003, Krawchuk had risen to third place in the Cass County (MO) Libertarian poll, and had made several public appearances, most notably on the Harry Browne radio show. However, Krawchuk withdrew in May 2003, citing professional commitments.

Candidate for U.S. Congress, Pennsylvania 2nd District

In July 2000, Krawchuk was asked by the national Libertarian Party to run for Pennsylvania's Second District Congressional seat. Their goal was to assemble a slate of Libertarian Congressional candidates which would span a majority of seats. Krawchuk agreed, and became one of 256 Libertarian candidates who ran for seats in the House of Representatives that year. This was the first time in over 80 years that any third party has contested a majority of House seats. Krawchuk faced Democrat Chaka Fattah and no Republican. Owing to such a late start, Krawchuk garnered a mere 1.8% of the vote.

Candidate for Pennsylvania State Representative

Krawchuk's first political campaign was in 1994 for State Representative in Pennsylvania's 153rd District in suburban Philadelphia, where he faced Republican Ellen Bard, Democrat David Barol, and Independent George Stevenson.

Krawchuk participated in four debates, the first sponsored by the Glenside Everywoman's Club, the second by the League of Women Voters, the third by United We Stand America, and the fourth by the McKinley Civic Association.

In one of the more-notable features of the race, Krawchuk became the first third-party candidate ever to be endorsed by the Pennsylvania National Rifle Association.

On election day, Krawchuk finished third with 5% of the vote, placing behind the winner Ellen Bard and David Barol, but ahead of George Stevenson's 4%.

Candidate for Township Commissioner, Abington Township, Pennsylvania

In addition to his higher-profile races, Krawchuk has run for Abington Township Commissioner in four successive elections: 1995, 1997, 2001, and 2005.

1995 Candidate for Township Commissioner in Ward 4, Abington Township, Pennsylvania

A special election was held in November 1995 to fill the seat vacated by the death of President Commissioner Richard Fluge. Aside from Krawchuk running on the Libertarian Party ticket, the only other candidate to appear on the ballot was Republican Stanford Gross. In an attempt to bolster his chances for victory, Krawchuk challenged Gross' signature filing and other paperwork, requesting the Montgomery County Common Pleas Court to strike his name from the ballot. Gross ultimately prevailed in the action, and he went on to defeat Krawchuk 75% to 25%.

1997 Candidate for Township Commissioner in Ward 4, Abington Township, Pennsylvania

Krawchuk ran again on the Libertarian Party ticket in 1997, running his most-active local campaign before or since. It was featured by the national Libertarian Party as one of three "campaigns to watch". He faced the incumbent Republican Stanford Gross and Democratic newcomer Pamela Reiss. Krawchuk knocked on thousands of constituent doors, sent four direct-mail pieces, and participated in two debates. Come election day, Krawchuk came in third with 11% of the vote.

2001 Candidate for Township Commissioner in Ward 4, Abington Township, Pennsylvania

In 2001 Krawchuk ran a "paper campaign" as a Libertarian for Abington Township Commissioner against incumbent Republican Stanford Gross and Democrat Andy Leader-Smith. Aside from filing the paperwork required by the state and responding to media requests, Krawchuk did virtually no campaigning; hence the term "paper campaign". As a result, he came in third with 2% of the vote.

2005 Candidate for Township Commissioner in Ward 4, Abington Township, Pennsylvania

Taking a new tack, Krawchuk ran again in 2005 for Abington Township Commissioner, except this time as a registered Libertarian in the Democratic primary. Pennsylvania law permits such cross-filing provided that all signatories to his petition are registered Democrats and that Krawchuk does not file paperwork to appear on the ballot under any other party. He faced Democratic political newcomer Matthew S. Fineberg who ultimately won the race with 76.42% to Krawchuk's 23.58%.

Libertarian Party Official

Ken Krawchuk has served as an official of the Libertarian Party at many levels, including:
* Chair, Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (2002-2004)
* Eastern Vice Chair, Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (1995-1996)
* Legislative Action Committee Chair, Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (2004-2012)
* Judicial Committee Chair, Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (2013-present)
* Chair, Montgomery County (PA) Libertarian Committee (1999-2000)
* Secretary, Montgomery County (PA) Libertarian Committee (2006-2015)
* Secretary, Delaware County (PA) Libertarian Committee (1997-2001)
* Chair, Abington/Rockledge Libertarian Committee (1996-present)
* Delegate, Libertarian Party National Convention (1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2014)


In 1995, Krawchuk, along with Bart Smith of Ridley Park, PA, was granted the United States patent which formed the backbone of the Business Architecture System, patent number 5,418,942, entitled, "System and Method for Storing and Managing Information". The core concept is that any information system can be represented exclusively by connections, an approach known as Connection Based Architecture. Two more patents, numbers 5,564,119 and 5,960,437 expanded upon the basic concept to include a user-friendly interface and to incorporate various management features. Ownership of all three patents was transferred to Ralphalpha LLC in 2004.


Over the course of his professional career, Ken Krawchuk founded or co-founded several companies, three of which are still in operation.

He has been a member of the Philadelphia chapter of the Association of Business Process Management Professionals (ABPMP) from 2006 until 2011. In October 2007 he was appointed to the national board of directors as their Vice President of Communications, serving until December 2009.

Ken Krawchuk & Associates, Ltd.

Krawchuk's first company, Ken Krawchuk & Associates, Ltd., was founded in 1988 and incorporated in 1989 to provide Information Technology consulting to a broad array of clients in the financial sector. In 2011 it expanded its focus to serve as publisher for Krawchuk's latest novel, Atlas Snubbed (see below).

Amendment 16

Krawchuk founded Amendment 16 in 1990 to provide invoicing services. Primarily serving independent consultants in the Information Technology sector, Amendment 16 would invoice a consultant's client, and once the invoice was paid, the funds would be forwarded to the consultant, minus all applicable taxes. The service was discontinued in 2003 after the bursting of the Dot Com Bubble.

Ralphalpha, LLC

Krawchuk co-founded Ralphalpha LLC along with Bart Smith of Ridley Park, PA, and Allan Edels of Morrisville, PA to hold and license intellectual property, specifically, the three U.S. patents granted to Krawchuk and Smith.

Business Architects, LLC

In 2004 Krawchuk co-founded Business Architects, LLC, with the goal of commercializing the three patents held by Ralphalpha. The company suspended operations in 2007 due to poor economic conditions.

Public Speaker

Ken Krawchuk has served as a professional public speaker since 2001. His public speaking career is divided into two broad categories: Political Speaker and Toastmasters.

Political Speaker

Krawchuk began his career as a professional public speaker in 2001 as a featured speaker for the Educational Testing Service Toastmasters speakers bureau in 2001. Krawchuk's repertoire includes numerous political topics, including The Nuts and Bolts of Political Activism. Libertarian philosophy, the Pennsylvania Constitution, Pennsylvania's onerous ballot access laws, and other current events. He has been a guest on the award-winning Comcast program It's Your Call with Lynn Doyle, NPR's Radio Times with Marty Moss-Coane, the 2000 Libertarian Party presidential candidate Harry Browne's radio program, and the 2004 Libertarian Party presidential candidate Michael Badnarik's radio program, Lighting the Fires of Liberty, among many others. In 2008 he moderated the Pennsylvania/New Jersey Libertarian Party presidential debates which featured nine of the declared candidates. In 2004 he moderated the Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential debates at their national convention in Atlanta, and in 2012 he moderated the Alternative Presidential Candidates Debate in Swarthmore, PA.


Krawchuk has been a member of Toastmasters International since November 1997. Since then, he has achieved his Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award, the highest award attainable, and is currently working toward his second DTM. In 2001 he won the District 38 Table Topics Contest for impromptu speaking; in 2005 he won their Evaluation Contest; and in 2010 he won their Humorous Speech contest, each of the three victories being the highest attainable in Toastmasters. Krawchuk's most-noteworthy achievement in Toastmasters came in 2008 when District 38 presented him with the prestigious John E. Foster, DTM Achievement Award. In addition, he has served on the District 38 Executive Council in several capacities, including Division B Governor (2009-2010, President's Distinguished), Area 15 Governor (2003-2004, Distinguished), District Parliamentarian (1999-2000, 2002-2003, 2007-2008), and District Sergeant-at-Arms (2002-2003).

Krawchuk is also the founder and sponsor of the Libertarian Toastmasters club in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. He served as charter president (2000-2001), Vice President of Education (2004-2005), and Sergeant-at-Arms (2002-2013). Since its founding in 2000, the club has achieved Distinguished status ten times, most-recently as a President's Distinguished club for the fifth year in a row.


Krawchuk has been a prolific writer over the years. Most of his publicly-circulated writings are political position papers and speeches. He has penned two works related to Ayn Rand's epic novel, Atlas Shrugged. The first is a critique entitled Atlas Flubbed which cites the grammatical, logical, and philosophical errors contained within Atlas Shrugged. The second is a full-length novel, Atlas Snubbed, written as a pastiche parody. The novel was officially released on November 27, 2011.

Personal life

Ken V. Krawchuk was born and raised in the Feltonville section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He attended Feltonville School (kindergarten and Grade 1), St. Ambrose Catholic school (Grades 1 through 8), Cardinal Dougherty High School (Grades 9 through 12), and Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia where he earned his Bachelor of Science in Physics in 1975.

He and his wife Roberta were married in 1977 and have three daughters and three grandchildren (so far). They currently live in Abington Township, a Philadelphia suburb.

Krawchuk has three brothers, and all four of his grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe after the communist takeover of Russia. His father was a lifelong Democrat, and was a tool and die craftsman and union shop steward until his retirement in 1983. His mother was a Democratic committeewoman, and was active in local politics, scouting, and community service.

Krawchuk enjoys camping with his family, and is a year-round backpacker. He has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New Jersey, along with other stretches of the Trail further to the north and south. He and his wife first met on a camping trip at Watkins Glen State Park in the Finger Lakes region of New York state, and most of their honeymoon was spent camping. When travelling on the campaign trail, he and his wife spend many more nights camping out than in hotels or private accommodations.

Krawchuk is an avid whitewater canoeist, having paddled the entire canoeable length of the Delaware, Schuylkill, Little Schuylkill, Lehigh, and Brandywine Rivers in Pennsylvania, plus stretches of the Susquehanna and numerous smaller streams, such as the Wissahickon, Tookany, Neshaminy, Perkiomen, Octoraro, Lizard, Tulpehocken, Unami, and other local Pennsylvania creeks.

Krawchuk is also a railroad enthusiast. In addition to constructing an HO-scale layout in his basement, he has hiked most every rail line in southeastern Pennsylvania and has hiked most of the distance between Philadelphia and Harrisburg by rail. He has also travelled thousands of miles throughout the country by train, including a cross-country whistle-stop tour in 2000 when he sought the Libertarian Party's vice presidential nomination.

Although he is not an attorney, Krawchuk is a self-taught lawyer, taking every opportunity to learn more about the legal system and how to use a law library. He has represented himself and his company in several presentments in District Courts, Courts of Common Pleas, and the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, earning numerous victories and a few defeats.

He has been a plaintiff on numerous ballot access lawsuits that tried to bring some relief from Pennsylvania's onerous ballot access laws. In 2006, when the law required him to collect over 67,000 signatures to get on the ballot (compared to 2,000 for the two old parties), he filed suit to have the outrageous requirement overturned. The litigation progressed all the way to the United States Supreme Court. They upheld the lower court's ruling that even though the Pennsylvania Constitution mandates that all elections shall be free and equal, 67,000 equals 2,000 in the eyes of the state.

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