Krawchuk '26
    News Release - February 24, 2014


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In a unanimous vote, Ken Krawchuk was chosen as the Libertarian Party's 2014 gubernatorial candidate, and Henry Haller of Pittsburgh as lieutenant governor at the party's annual convention on Saturday. Krawchuk and Haller were also the Libertarian nominees for the same offices in the 1998 and 2002 gubernatorial races.

"This is a great day for Pennsylvania taxpayers", said Krawchuk, a 60-year-old entrepreneur who hails from Abington Township in Montgomery County. "The two old parties want to continue to expand a government that's already too large, too expensive, and too intrusive. Libertarians are the only ones you can trust to defend the interests of the taxpayer."

In an acceptance speech to be broadcast statewide to three million homes by the Pennsylvania Cable Network, Krawchuk pledged to focus on those goals that the governor can achieve unilaterally, without assistance from either the Legislature or the courts. This includes introducing a series of budgets that eliminate the need for the personal income tax, vetoing all tax increases and any unwarranted expansion of government, aggressively cutting waste and excessive spending via the line-item veto, eliminating parole for violent criminals, pardoning "victimless criminals" , and ending asset forfeiture, among many, many others unilateral powers granted to the Governor by the Pennsylvania Constitution.

Among his top legislative priorities are cutting taxes and spending via the Separation of Society and State, eliminating the government monopoly on public education, defusing the abortion debate, and reforming unfair ballot access laws that have erected huge barriers for independent candidates and third parties.

Lieutenant governor nominee Henry Haller, a 66-year-old small businessman from Pittsburgh, was a former Libertarian candidate for US Senate and state Senate before teaming with Krawchuk in 1998 and 2002. "It is an honor to again be on the ticket with Ken Krawchuk," Haller said after being unanimously nominated. "I look forward to assisting him in spreading the message of liberty across Pennsylvania."

Founded in 1971, the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the state and the nation, with over 150 elected and appointed officials currently serving in office nationwide, and 40 in Pennsylvania. Like the Founding Fathers, Libertarians believe that you have the inalienable right to conduct your life as you see fit, without interference, so long as you respect the rights and property of others. As a result, Libertarians favor a small, responsible government.

For more information about the Libertarian Party, the public is invited to contact the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania at or (800) R-RIGHTS, or the National Libertarian Party at or (202) 333-0008.

For more information about the Krawchuk campaign, please visit the campaign website at The campaign can be contacted at, or 224-Krawchuk (224-572-9248).

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Release 14-03

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