Mr. Krawchuk is the founder and President of Ken Krawchuk &
Associates Ltd., a 25-year-old information technology
consulting firm, and has been a professional computer programmer
since 1970. He currently serves as a business architect for the pharmaceutical, insurance, and financial markets.
Mr. Krawchuk is the lead inventor of U.S. Patent Numbers
5,418,942, 5,564,119, and 5,960,437, titled "System and Method for
Managing and Storing Information", a novel, integrated database
management system/operating system.
Mr. Krawchuk is a freelance writer and author of Atlas Snubbed, a pastiche parody sequel to Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. He has also been regularly
published in RSVP Magazine and numerous Libertarian publications. and has served as guest columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper.
Mr. Krawchuk is also a professional public speaker, and has been a member of Toastmasters International
since 1997, achieving his Distinguished Toastmaster award in 2006. He regularly competes in speech contests, having won the finals at the District 38 Humorous Speech Contest, Evaluation Contest, and Impromptu Speaking Contest. He has served four terms as District
38 Parliamentarian, and is the past president of two Toastmaster clubs and founder of the We The Speakers Toastmasters club. In 2008 he was honored with the District's prestigious John E. Foster DTM Achievement Award for his service to Toastmasters.